Cancer at Work
Partner since 2019. Signatory of the charter in 2021. And now... Labeled company !
Since 2019, we have been a partner of the Cancer@Work association in order to better reconcile illness and work with our employees.
To raise awareness. To accompany them. To reintegrate them.
Signature of the Cancer@Work Charter
To anchor our commitment in the long term, we signed the Cancer@Work Charter in April 2021.
This signature, by Maxime Saada, Chairman and CEO of the Group, and Anne-Sophie Tuszynski, Founder of Cancer@Work, is an accelerator for our future actions!
By signing, we commit to implement concrete actions in favour of the inclusion and maintenance in employment of people directly or indirectly affected by the disease:
- Increasing knowledge and representations related to cancers and chronic illnesses in companies.
- Promoting the creation of a supportive environment for people affected by cancer and chronic diseases.
- Promoting managerial behaviour and practices: respecting the application of the principle of non-discrimination in occupational health, as well as the integration and professional development of employees affected by the disease.
In 2022 we are now a Cancer@Work labelled company!